AAR: DELVing into my backlog

Here’s DELVE, which describes itself as a solo map drawing game. Clearly I have a theme of map drawing games, but the others have been co-op games and this one is not! It’s almost a turn-based city-builder. ...

What I want to play next: September 2020

Short post here, here’s the games in my “to-play” pile, sorted by immediacy. I thought it would be a nice way of keeping track of stuff that’s caught my eye. Games I’ve not played yet: Beak, Feather & Bone - An IRL friend bought me this. Not only do I therefore want to report back, but it is a short story-telling game and thus ready for dropping into a blank session. And it has bird-people. Need to import an image into roll20 for a game. Ultraviolet Grasslands - Love Luka’s art, getting ready to start a play-by-post of this. My games always end up a bit grim, so I really want an excuse to make a cheerful gonzo game with a Mad Max bent. Hypertellurians - For some reason I just really want to play this atomic raygun RPG. I’m not even sure why but I have it in PDF and physical and it looks like a laugh and relatively light. Mind you, so does a lot of stuff I already own! DELVE - A solo dungeon-building game. I’m waiting for the physical book for this one. It might be a bit fiddly compared to a pure story-telling game as it involves some light cellular automation of rooms to cover invasions and water flow and stuff. Worst case it would be easier on roll20 or similar where I don’t have to pack it up. Ex Novo - another story-telling map-building game that was in the Racial Equality bundle. It can be played solo and I definitely want to give it a go. Humblewood - a 5e campaign that’s finally arrived across the Atlantic. It’s very beautiful, and I will save running it for post-pandemic. For completeness it’s worth noting it’s available on roll20 now… ...