There and Snack Again: Lord of the Welsh cakes

So, I’ve covered the prep, now, how did we get on? :musical_notes: * swelling chords * :musical_notes: ...

There and Snack Again: Prologue

My wife and I don’t binge-watch much. I just don’t quite have the patience and she’s not going to sit on her own and mainline TV for a day. But Lord of the Rings is special. The films came out for a set of Christmases lets-not-discuss-how-long-ago, and we associate them forever with nice festive times. These days I try to actively avoid watching them as I don’t want to see them too much and spoil them for myself somehow. But, we all know what 2020 has been like. And, despite being pretty well-avoided by the rigours of 2020, it still meant we couldn’t see family and friends, with plans getting cancelled pretty late. And earlier this year I discovered There and Snack Again from listening to the Desert Island Discworld podcast. And we normally watch LotR at this 🎄 time of year. Well, now. To be clear, the idea, in Nate’s words: to watch all three Lord of the Rings films (extended editions, of course), while attempting to eat everything that got eaten on screen This is clearly a noble goal, and considering there’s very few things we can do in Tier 4 right now, why not match this quest? Some planning started. ...

Chocolate Christmas decorations

So, I, uh, bought another giant Toblerone. Now I have 4.5kg of chocolate to use up. Yes, they come as a single bar of giant one-pound triangles 🔺🔺🔺. It looks awesome but is a very impractical way of eating them. Each triangle is about the size of a “normal large” bar. Normally I just chop it up and we eat it like popcorn (i.e. in quantity). However, every now and again, I’ll try doing something with it ...