Ross, of 2-minute table-top provides maps, and assets to his patreons, and on his shop. And Dungeondraft packs of those assets. Including a train.

I like trains.


A tactical map of a train stopped on rails with a bandit camp above

70px for roll20

This was inevitable, really. But anyway, here’s a train on tracks, stopped by a purposeful rockslide. The bandits to the North can now sweep down and attack the passengers, if the fight is not taken to them first. Maybe a Perceptive PC saw the glint of a looking-glass among the rocks before the train came to stop?

This is my second attempt at a map, and I like the unusual shape from the long train, but to me, it’s still a little dull:

  • The bottom left needs more texture perhaps. I don’t think “all of a map should be used” or anything but it’s not particularly interesting to look at yet
  • I don’t think I have the transition between terrain right yet. It’s getting there but I can’t work out what’s missing.
  • The train needs some Walls that aren’t visible so I can put lights round it

On the other hand:

  • I’m pleased with the cliffs.
  • I’m very excited as to how easy this is
A tactical map of a train stopped on rails with a bandit camp above


Choo choo.